How Technology is Influencing Future of Work Business

Shrihan Chinta
3 min readDec 10, 2022


Business firms have existed from the 19th century but the methods they followed to reach their target audience and the plans they used to sell their service or product has evolved tremendously with the introduction of technology. The number of business’s being operated in a country moreover its dynamic nature determines the stability of the country’s economy. Now with the aid of Technology Businesses have been scaling up not limiting its effect to unicorns only.

Change is something which has been a part of mankind right from the beginning. We have evolved in different ways to bring the best out of us in the same manner technology has been crucial and has acted as a catalyst in this evolution process. For example, if we take automobiles previously, we used to commute from one place to another with the help of horses but with the introduction of cars though it took some time for humans to get along with the usage of cars, but we were able to reach the desired destination in less time. Now if we take a close look at this scenario technology not only has created a new business but also destroyed one at the same which is horses and horse carriges and other services which involves the support of horses and other cattle.

Technology though has majorly helped us in making our lives simpler by replacing repetitive steps with automatic ones and focus on our core goals, but this not only made business firms to hire people who are skilled at developing this technology and at the same time laying of massive workforce involved in doing repetitive jobs. Let us take the case study of some streaming service companies like Blockbuster and Netflix previously they hired people to give user personal movie suggestions but now with the introduction of Artificial Machine learning has totally wiped out this job role and automatically exist behind ever user’s account and provide personal suggestions based on their previous watch history. But due to this company has introduced better job roles which involves and monitoring and building a better UI so that customers can gain better user experience while using their service.

Like there are two side of a coin though technology has destroyed firms, but it also introduced a new market filled with more vacancies and at the same time it has created situation which has led to massive unemployment but at the same time it has created new job profiles. Technology has created a flexible environment for humans to expand and dig deeper. If we rewind ourselves two years we were sitting in our homes and kind of living the impossible and every sector has hit the brakes even some firms declared bankruptcy but the factor which helped in driving the existing firms and keeping us together as well as connecting us was technology with the help of web calling services like Zoom , and Microsoft Teams we were able to run businesses and even some businesses leveraged the best out of this situations and turned themselves into profitable ventures.

What lies in the future for businesses is unknown, but technology has become a core part of businesses and it has now arrived at a scenario where technology, businesses coexist and work hand in hand to nurture one another. In conclusion from past till the unforeseen future technology has always influenced and will influence ventures in the future be it positive or negative way not only in one sector but others too like education, warfare etc. In fact in the recent time a US based company is working on surrogates who will be controlled by the military and tries to solve the issue loss of human life during warfare where humans need not be deployed on the battlefield instead robots will be deployed and do their work.

